Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Social Family Institution in India

Location: India has an area of approximately 3,287,580 sq. kilometers. It serves as a border to the Bay of Bengal the Indian Ocean, and to the Arabian Sea located to its west. Directly north of India are the Himalayas, the world†s biggest mountain range. India also serves as a neighbor to several different countries. Myanmar and Bangladesh located to its east, China, Nepal and Bhutan to the north, Sri Lanka to the South, and finally Afghanistan and Pakistan on the northwest. Topography: India is separated into 4 main regions, these are the Ganges, Indus Plains, Desert zone, and the Southern Peninsula. Physiologically India is divided ten times. A senior male usually heads families in India. In the senior males household a family can be very large. The senior male†s family can include his unmarried children, married children alongside their wives and kids, unmarried younger brothers and sisters, and married brothers with their wives and children. It is common however for families to separate once the father dies. This idea of family is true for both nuclear family and extended family. As already stated above the size of a typical Indian family is very large. The senior male is responsible for providing the financial assistance to the family while his wife takes care of the house. She assigns chores to all of the females in the household. The Elderly are taken care upon dearly by their family members. The marriage traditions in India have been in existence for a very long time. The have a long and important set of rules that are carefully followed by most. A marriage arrangement is a big responsibility for the parents of both the female and male. A marriage is arranged based primarily on religion, family wealth, and the hope for a good biological reproduction. Marriages in India are no different than in most of the countries around the world. It is a very special event for the bride and grooms family and friends. For both the male and the female marriage is a big change not only socially but mentally as well. Only once married is one truly considered to have made the transition to adulthood. Married couples display a strong for male children. Males are desired more because of financial contribution the may supply for the family. Girls on thew other hand are some times viewed as very big liabilities, The more one has the more liable one is. They are viewed as very expensive to support and require very expensive dowries once they are married. Families that have many girls and very few or no males are in great danger of experiencing financial disaster. The roles played by males and females in the Indian society have a very strong presence. Their roles have changed very little in the last couple of decades. Males are the dominant sex in the society. Females have very little power or control over their lives. The male†s main role is to provide financial stability. India†s educational system is one that is very similar to that held by the British. It consists of five levels of education. Level one is preprimary, followed by primary (which in the American system would equal grades 1-5), middle class (middle school), secondary (9 and 10 grades), and finally higher levels (11 and 12 grades). India s governments is currently working very hard to make the peoples education a top priority. The Indian government supplies the people with free education, even with free education only about half of the children attend school. It is viewed by the Indian people that it is more important for the males to attend school than it is for the females. Out of the 50 Indian population is illiterate, 66% of these are females. Higher education in India is not very big. Out of all of the people that attend primary and secondary education less than 10% go on to higher education. It†s popularity however is increasing greatly compared to past years. India†s collegiate system is divided into three. One of these three types is the religious college. These are colleges found by politicians and by wealthy families. They did this in order to gain popularity amongst the people. Government colleges constitute the second type; these are colleges that are found on the outskirts of big cities. They lack private investments and are therefor founded by the government. The third type is called Professional colleges. These are colleges that mainly receive both government and private aid. Professional colleges are the beset of colleges to study carriers such as medicine, engineering etc. 2-India Literacy rate is very high in numbers but very low in percentages. They have over 400 million people that can read but this constitutes only about 56% of the population. 1- India runs its government under a constitution created in 1949. The president of India is elected by the parliament and serves a term of five years. The Prime Minster of India is also a very powerful man in this country. It is said that he has more power than the president. Lok Sabah, otherwise know as the Lower House of Parliament is controlled by the ministers. The federal Parliament consists of no more than 250 members. The President appoints twelve of them and most of the others are appointed by their state. The Lower House has no more than 545 members. Just like the president they serve terms that last fore five years. In case of a national emergency the president can overrule any state government.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Shawnee Tribe

The Shawnee Tribe Did you know that the Shawnee Indian tribe is a fascinating tribe? I recently have learned that they are nomads. Nomads are people who travel instead of settling in one place. Southern Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania were a couple of states they once lived in. Until around 1660 Iroquois drove out the tribe to southern Carolina, Tennessee’s Cumberland basin, eastern Pennsylvania, and southern Illinois. They had tried to return, but again they were forced to leave by American settlers.The settlers pushed them first to Missouri and then to Kansas, but the Shawnee people settled in Oklahoma after the Civil War. The Shawnee survived using various methods of hunting and gathering. Both men and women had responsibilities in providing food. They hunted many animals including deer, squirrel, turkey, raccoon, bear, muskrat, rabbit, and ducks/geese. They set traps for the animals, and they disguised themselves to blend in with their surroundings to get clo se enough to club or shoot them. People never wasted anything; they used all the different parts for different things.In January and February they hunted beaver for their pelts and meat to trade with the settlers. In the summer time they, and during fall, groups of men and women would leave the village and hunt. Small temporary lodges were used. Another way to get food was to plant or gather it. They planted beans, squash, corn, pumpkins, and melons but corn was their main food. They gathered wild berries, nuts, maple, roots, and wild honey. In the springtime women planted crops and summer through fall they gathered wild plants and fruits.Tapping maple trees for sap was another thing they did. Raiding beehives was also popular to get honey. The women were mostly responsible for planting, harvesting, and taking care of crops. Roles for people are very important because the people would know what their job was and what other’s jobs were. Men were very important because they mos tly hunted, carved wood into ladles, bowls, and spoons, were in charge of politics and war, and were warriors. Women had many roles, but some were harder than others. They built homes and fires, dressed the game, cooked, lanted crops, scraped skins and tanned hides, made clothing, wove blankets, and made vessels of clay. They also served as advisors of peace and war. They managed all farming activities and ceremonies in the village. Both men and women took part in storytelling, artwork, music, and traditional medicine. Young girls learned from their mothers how to gather wild foods, plant crops, care for children and perform household duties. Boys were taught to hunt and fight from their fathers. At age nine, boys began special training and self-discipline. Parents were strict, and the children were seldom punished.They were expected to be the judge of their own behavior. However, the parents expected high standards of behavior and responsibility. Special jobs of the Shawnee tribe i ncluded being a chief. Chiefs would handle problems and activities, good or bad and also dealt with problems that could not be resolved by individuals or families. War chiefs protected the tribe from enemy attack and decided when to go to war. They had to prove themselves in battle as leaders and warriors. Chiefs inherited their positions as peace, clan, or war chiefs. Peace chiefs could also call-off a war.The Thawikila and Chalaakaatha divisions were in charge of governing the people and chiefs came from one of the two divisions. Membership for one of the five divisions was inherited by the father’s side. Clothing of the Shawnee was homemade and you had to make your own clothes in order to stay warm. Deerskin clothing was what most Shawnee people wore. During the winter, men and women added loose shirts and leggings and would also wrap themselves in buffalo robes or fur cloaks made of bear or moose skins. Decorations were important to the tribe. They dyed clothing, porcupin e quills; and feathers and points were also used.Men wore headdresses made of animal fur and decorated them with feathers from a bird of prey such as an eagle, hawk, or owl. Men mostly wore shirts and leggings and women wore shirts with leggings or dresses. After contact with the European traders, the Shawnee began to own glass beads which they used on their clothing. Jewelry included silver pins, necklaces, and bracelets for women. Men liked to wear silver nose rings and earrings. Dances, music, and ceremonies were all important to the Shawnee tribe. Spring held a dance named â€Å"Spring Bread Dance† in which they prayed for plentiful crops.In the summer they held the â€Å"Green Corn Dance† in celebration for the growing of corn. Fall held the â€Å"Fall Bread Dance† where they prayed that game would be plentiful also and gave thanks for the harvest. Musical instruments included skin drums, gourd rattles, deer-hoofed rattles and sometimes reed flutes. Many di fferent tools were used by the Shawnee and they needed them to survive. They used hammers made of stone or other hard substance, some had handles and some did not. Knives and saws were made of shells, stone, or other materials. Borers were natural tools used for making holes in soft or hard objects.An axe was another tool made of shells, iron, or copper. The blade could easily turn at a right angle. It was held with your hands or attached in various ways to a handle by a rawhide. Some other weapons are bows and arrows, stone tomahawks, spears, and chipped flint arrow points. Homes and shelters were another item that was needed by the Shawnee. The home they lived in was called a wegiwa which were tree poles covered by bark or animal skin. The frame of the house was made of sapling tied together and covered with bark from elm or birch trees.When bark was not available animal skin was used. There were no windows and there was only one opening in one end for a door and a hole in the mid dle of the roof for the smoke from the cooking fire. In a pit in the middle of the floor is where they burned the fire. Inside walls were lined with raised wooden platforms that were used as beds. Homes were sometimes furnished with shelves, benches, and tables. The Shawnee’s way of life came to an end by splitting into small bands and moving away from others. The Shawnee had many wars with American settlers over land rights.One Native American named Tecumseh, who was an excellent communicator and military strategist, was admired greatly by the Shawnee. They followed his every command. During the Battle of Thames in 1813, Tecumseh was shot and killed. With his death the Shawnee people lost their spirit to fight. They then scattered and drifted in small bands into Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Some remained in Ohio. Between 1825 and 1900 the United States Government took more land rights away through various treaties. This led to more movement and most Shawn ee became part of a non-native society.The Shawnee tribe is so interesting and amazing. Shawnee people believe in one female God, Our Grandmother, and she created the earth and made people. When people grew old she scooped them up in nets and brought them to the sky. Also, the most sacred spirits to the Shawnee were Tobacco, Fire, Water, and Eagle. Daniel Boone was one of the most famous prisoners taken in war and was held for several months. During that time he made friends with them and participated in their games. When he went back to the settlers he realized that the Shawnee tribe was a friendly tribe.Another interesting fact about the Shawnee is that parents would plunge their babies into snow or freezing cold water every day for several months because they wanted to make their children tougher. The Shawnee tribe was fun to study and I learned a lot about their way of life and history. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bial, Raymond. The Shawnee. Tarrytown, New York. Benchmark Books, 2004. Flanagan , Alice K. The Shawnee. Canada. Children’s Press, 1998. Mattern, Joanne. The Shawnee Indians. Manakato, Minnesota. Bridgestone Books, 2001. Yacowitz, Caryn. Shawnee Indians. Chicago, Illinois. Heinemann Library, 2003. Additional research includes many websites

Monday, July 29, 2019

Non Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Non - Case Study Example Considering the geographical maps as shown in the diagram below of the position of the SAP and FRY, we have privileged information that the naval military of the SAP are majorly docked at the port of Banes and Haba (Heuer, & Pherson, 2011). These ports are directly opposite to two of our ports, that is the Mia and Eyer. Given that there are conflicting reports on the kind of impending attack the SAP are planning, reports of diversionary attack has also reached us. The report indicates that they are planning to attack the port of Eyer and Mia simultaneously. We are therefore expected to consider undertaking a naval reconnaissance in our territorial areas in a bid to understand how and when to place military control for any attack. Following the information on the attacks at the ports, we have to consider monitoring the ports so that any mishap from our adversaries does not materialize. The need to tighten security around the hot spots indicated by the reports should be swiftly put into place to curtail any advancement from the SAP. Following the analysis of the situation of the SAP, we are confident that the situation can be put under control given that we have all the necessary information to do so. The intention to attack us through their ports of Haba and Banes shows all indications to be true given that through our survey, we have noticed increased activities in the ports a clear show that they are preparing for attacks (IBM, 2013). Concerning the intelligence reports that have reached us, we should thus spare no effort to ensure that we cushion ourselves from the impending attacks from our opponents. Despite general sage who is the supreme commander in the SAP military calling for peace from the neighboring nations, it can only be interpreted as a public relation exercise aimed at programming people’s mind that they are for peace while the intention is to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hum M3 Al Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hum M3 Al - Essay Example Being related to consciousness and choice, they are acquired from the culture and environment. In contrast to animals, whose code of values are automatically formed and whose senses help them distinguish between good and evil, people have choice of knowledge and thus can acquire certain sets of values they choose. The code of values of the person forms his/her attitudes and affects thoughts. Thoughts and attitudes, as it is stated by Burns, forms emotions and feelings. 3. The Dominant Values test was rather puzzling for me, as I found most of the values important for me; none of them is opposite to my position in life. However, the test results indicate that Benevolence and Security are my dominant values, and Tradition has proved to be at the lowest stage in my life. I would say that results are true, because I care much about welfare and security of others. In Cognitive Empathy test, I’ve scored 25, which is the moderate ability of perspective talking. The score of Emotional Empathy is, however, higher, 27, and this is the high level of emotional empathy. I agree with the results, as I tend to feel compassionate for many people. Finally, Dispositional Mood Scale test has shown that the current tendencies in my mood are relatively high tiredness and negative arousal and moderate positive energy and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Finance and international tread question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance and international tread question - Essay Example These rules and understandings can include informal routines to formal standards for what makes up acceptable conduct and that are sometimes exemplified in an organization, sometimes not. c) Coordination is likely when it is concerned with sustaining an existing set of behaviours and policies (when it is concerned with sustaining a policy regime) than when it is focused on altering policies. d) Monetary, financial, and macroeconomic coordination is most likely in the scenario of extensive comity among countries. Conflict over other matters, whether economic or not, stifles efforts to agree even on technical financial and economic policies (Krugman & Obstfeld 2003, pg. 56). This paper will discuss why the coordination of international trade and financial policy has been so difficult by looking at the reasons why it has proved to be such a challenge for most countries. Key terms Coordination of international trade and financial policy; monetary, financial, and macroeconomic coordinatio n Discussion The current environment for coordination of international trade and financial policy is very different compared to that of the early post-World War 2 period when many long-term conventions of coordination were created under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). There have been significant changes in the policy environment that is required to support coordination (Baldassarri, Paganetto & Phelps 2002, pg. 18). These changes include the balancing of influence among national governments vis-a-vis U.S dominance in the period following WWII, and the establishment of new administrative tools of trade policy as a replacement for the limitations that the GATT coordinated successfully for tariffs. In the economic environment ideal for coordination, the most important change has been the emergence of large, mobile conglomerates that themselves practice cross-border coordination. They are multinationals in both ownership and operations (Sutherland 2004, pg. 30). These changes have been captured in the intellectual environment through the creation of an evaluation of the coordination of trade policy in strategic environment - those with few large rival governments and/or firms – that has challenged views from the esteemed competitive consensus (Branson, Frenkel & Goldstein 2010, pg. 57). These environmental changes coexist with each other. Multinationals make it difficult for any government to define, establish, and implement its â€Å"own† national concerns. Returns accruing from the capital endowment owned by a country’s residents depend on revenue drawn from far-flung foreign partners as well as domestic revenue (Jones & Kenen 2005, pg. 49). Discriminatory border regulations that maximise revenue from one source to the detriment of another have ambiguous ramifications on multinational companies and their owners. Strategic influence over the competitiveness and location of huge, mobile multinationals is a reasonably importa nt goal of modern trade policy, and leads to worries over market access and administrative tools like tax incentives, performance requirements, and unitary tax systems

History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History - Coursework Example Therefore, they came up with strategies to counter these problems (Bentley et al, 67). Efforts of the classical societies resulted into a dramatic increase in most of the world’s religions. This was facilitated by the development of roads- a mode for transport and communication of goods and services. Likewise, sea route of transportation was also developed as a trade route. This led to trade and interrelations between individuals of diverse localities. These links lead to the worldwide movement of goods, people, diseases and beliefs. Beliefs founded were all connected to a supreme supernatural being. The beliefs include; Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. These trade routes were advantageous and also disadvantageous. The con was the development of diseases and epidemics which were deadly. This led to the disruption of the classical society (Confucius, 27). Discussion: comparison of Persian and Chinese empire. The Persian and Chinese empires were two significant historical em pires. There was a successful reign within the centuries due to the emperor bodies imposing the Machiavellian principals in both empires. The leaders used anyway to maintain peace and order within the reigning locations. This method of administration persisted for many centuries in the two discussed emperors. The Chinese empire also known as the Han dynasty was created by Lui Bang in 201 BC. He used the Machiavellian principals in administration. He linked the pre- Qin emporium and the Qin dynasty domineering emporium. This aided in the expansion of the empires in aspects of economy, population and culture. The Chinese empire is historically significant due to accomplishments made. The accomplishments included; paper invention, compass invention, advancements in science and technology, steel manufacturing and seismograph development. This empire had a strong military command; this enabled its expansion in Korea, northern Vietnam, and Southern China. This empire also developed routes which were primarily used for the delivery of silk to the Roman Empire. The trade routes were build up along Central Asia, further expanding to India, and finally in Persia (Steele, 8). Another historical landmark of the Chinese empire is the establishment of a tributary organization system comprising of local powers; to enforce peace and unity. The collapse of this dynasty was as a result of its lack of strength in facing internal conflicts concerning imperial relatives, military generals, scholar officials and government advisors. This misunderstanding led to a gradual fall of the empire from 100 AD. This resulted in the central government assuming authority, corruption developed in the bureaucrats, and land owners ruled their properties as they wanted. This led to a disruption of the Machiavellian principals and an end to the Qui dynasty. The states the Han dynasty had authority over were able to overthrow it. The Persian Empire was inclusive of several empires that ruled Iran f or a number of centuries. The Archaemenid Empire

Friday, July 26, 2019

Express Delivery Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Express Delivery Sector - Essay Example The performance of the transportation sector – as the broader area in which the express delivery sector operates – has been examined; it is assumed that the specific sector is quite competitive – for this reason it would be appropriately managed in order to increase its attractiveness towards the potential investors. The use of the appropriate CSFs would help the firms of this sector to keep their competitiveness at high levels, despite the market turbulences. 1. Structure of the ‘express delivery sector’ within the wider freight and transportation industry – evaluation whether this is an attractive sector to compete in. In order to understand the position and the performance of the ‘express delivery sector’ within the freight industry, it would be necessary to refer to the characteristics and the performance of this industry – as presented in the relevant literature. The freight industry is an extremely powerful sector; often, the practices of this sector are criticized as of their opposition with the international or the local legal rules. An indicative example of such case is the violation by the truck manufacturers of the anti-trust laws – reference is made to Britain. Such cases, related to ‘air cargo carriers and freight forwarders’ (Handy Shipping Guide 2010), have been developed in Britain. Despite the problems related to its activities, the freight industry is an extremely powerful sector, having the power, if appropriately monitored, to support the growth the economy. In accordance with a series of statistics published in 2007, ‘the amount of fr eight lifted in 2007 (1,869 million tonnes) was three per cent above 2006 (1,813 million tonnes)’ (Department of Transport 2007).... In other words, the industry has managed to stabilize its growth – despite the global crisis. The above fact is highlighted in a relevant report of the European Commission; in the above report emphasis is given on the increase of the ‘EU countries who invested on road freight transport in 2005-2007’ (European Commission 2008) .The potential of the industry to keep its competitiveness at high levels should be taken into consideration when the performance of the express delivery sector – as part of the freight sector need to be measured and evaluated. Moreover, the competitiveness of the freight industry would also lead to the increase of the competitiveness of the express delivery sector; therefore, the evaluation of the attractiveness of the industry would influence the attractiveness of the express delivery sector. Indeed, the trend for continuous growth in the freight industry seems to reflect a relevant trend in regard to the express delivery sector. The above view is based on a report referring to the importance of the express delivery sector for the economy of East Midlands; it is noted that ‘The express industry directly employs over 4,700 people in the East Midlands; Its contribution to regional employment is expected to rise to almost 16,000 by 2014’ (Oxford Economic Forecast, 2006). The Institute of Transport Management presents a similar view– published in 2007; in the relevant report it is sated that the express delivery sector is expected to benefit the British economy by approximately 5 billion each year – reference is made to a long term period, of approximately 20 years. On the other hand, Thompson (2007) notes that the performance of the freight sector is depended on indicators which are not standardized; for

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Incorporation of Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Incorporation of Diversity - Research Paper Example Actualizing diversity is a welcome development, and many companies are able to manage the problems or criticism that could arise from the incorporation of diversity. This way, they are not only able to create a productive environment inside the organization but also able to create a positive image in its external environment. In addition, in those situations, the formation of common organizational culture can aid the management and its leaders to manage diversity. As common organizational culture will lead to the formation of common practices, rules, and work ethics, it could be helpful. Incorporation of Diversity Organization should have a diversified workforce to develop economically and also ethically, especially in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Every organization will have strategies focusing on the company’s growth as well as the employee’s growth. As both are interconnected, the growth of one hinges on the growth of another. But, the basic asp ect is, for a company to develop, apt and qualified employees have to be recruited. Nowadays, that definition is slightly modified. In this changing world, it is necessary for the organization to recruit not only apt and qualified employees, but also recruit employees from different or diverse backgrounds. Brazzel (1991) defines â€Å"diversity in terms of human differences that play an important role in the culture and operation of organizations.† Recruitment of employees from diverse backgrounds will only give the desired results because that strategy will work optimally both in the organization’s interior environment as well as handle the issues that could arise in the external environment. There are also many companies that have adopted diversity programs in their recruiting process to actualize the diversified workforce. â€Å"It is in each company’s best interest to develop and incorporate elements of both Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibili ty into its agenda because the challenges of the new millennium will, no doubt, requires an integrated approach to the issue of corporate ethics.† (Altham). Nike, the well-known manufacturer of athletic shoes and other sports-related apparel and equipment, has operations in more than 500 locations throughout the world, in close to 50 countries. â€Å"This company operates on six continents and employs around 23,000 people. Their suppliers, shippers, retailers and service providers employ close to 1 million people. The diversity inherent in such size is helping Nike evolve its role as a global company.† (Clark et al. 2005).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Diversity of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversity of Life - Essay Example These vital factors play an imperative role in deciding the kind of flora and fauna of the place, accordingly, different kinds of ecosystems are present in different parts of the world. Tropical zone is hot as it receives most of the sunlight falling on the planet. The rate of evaporation is also high, rainfall and humidity is more. The vegetation is thick and most of the Rainforest is present in this region. Thus, climate of a place decides the vegetation and animals of the place. For instance, desert conditions cannot support pine forest but they support animals like camel with padded hoofs to walk on the hot sand and membrane-covered eyes to see during desert storm. The animal is well adapted to live under water scarcity condition because of its hump which stores fat. In a similar manner, desert conditions also support cactus plants which are well adapted to the climatic conditions of desert, the leaves are modified as spines and thick stem to carry out the process of photosynthesis. In a similar manner, pine trees with conical shape and wax coated, needle like leaves are the adaptive features of the flora belonging to the frigid zone. The conical shape and wax coated leaves of the plant allows snow to slide off the plant. Needle like leaves allow air to pass through the plants, these features aid in better survival of the plant. The fauna of the frigid zone encompasses polar bear which has white fur for protection from the chill of snow and also to escape from the enemies. Other animals encompass seal, wolf and dogs called huskies. Temperate zone on the other hand, possess mild climate which is neither too hot nor too cold. This climatic zone supports good conditions for the survival of humans, as the climate is moderate it allows proliferation of numerous life forms. Distribution of animals and plants in this climatic zone is also supported by the environmental agents and the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

World Religions - Psychology of Mystical Experience Term Paper

World Religions - Psychology of Mystical Experience - Term Paper Example Within the Bible, saints, mystics, and sages blessed with an intimate God’s knowledge have existed since the beginning of ages. Mystical experiences are opposite of the numinous experiences in a number of ways. All ‘otherness’ in mystical experience disappears while the believer becomes one entity with the transcendent. Through this, the believer discovers his/her similarity with the deity, cosmos, or other reality. According to Zaehner, quoted by James William (17), there are 2 typically varied mystical experiences: religious and natural mystical experiences. These two modes of mystical experience vary in their nature and scope with the natural mysticism being free from any particular tradition link like the religious mysticism. Actually, religious mystics are common among us today. For over the last 100 years, researchers in religious scientific study have had the ability of determining that God’s mystical experiences are actually not so rare (Vincent 1). The purpose of this paper is to interpret the mystical experiences using the approaches and theories of Freud and Jung. This paper wil l offer some social science and personal evidence that will aid in expanding this phenomenon’s understanding.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Professional Roles And Values Essay Example for Free

Professional Roles And Values Essay Nursing is governed by state boards of nursing, specific to the state that the nurse is practicing in. These boards seek to define the scopes of practice particular to a specific set of people, such registered nurses, practical nurses, home health aides, etc. The New Jersey State Board of Nursing dictates things like applications, accreditation, fees, and continuing education requirements. It is regulatory in nature. (NJ Board of Nursing, n.d.) As a labor and delivery nurse, the professional organization that enhances my practice is AWHONN (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal nurses). As opposed to the board of nursing which provides direction to general nursing practices and procedures, AWHONN is specific to my field. It provides current research, education opportunities, and clinical resources. (, n.d.) An important aspect in delivering nursing care is the nursing code of ethics. The American Nurses Association (ANA) oversees this code of ethics. There are many ethical implications in nursing care in every specialty. In obstetrics, one of my biggest ethical dilemmas is the subject of abortion. Should a healthcare provider have the right to refuse to take part in any medical procedure? The nursing code of ethics allows health care providers to apply conscientious objection to this situation. Conscientious objection is allowed in situations where the â€Å"action would violate some deploy held moral or ethical value about right and wrong (Odell, Abhyankar, Malcom, Rua, 2014). Another example of how the code of ethics influences my practice is the protection of the rights of privacy and confidentiality. I am sometimes given information from patients during the admission process that other family members, even the father of the baby, may not know. Things such as previous abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, and number of sexual partners are pertinent in my treatment of the patient, but are often not things that they would like shared with the rest of the family (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015). I believe one of the most important traits a nurse can possess is that of patient advocacy. People are usually at their most vulnerable when they are sick and may not be able to adequately advocate for themselves. Another important traits I would bring to an interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers is respect, respect for the patient and their choices, respect for my colleagues, but especially when I disagree with decisions made by either. Collaboration is also an important trait as a patient’s care is usually multi-disciplinary. Finally, responsibility and accountability are essential traits when part of a team. Team members need to be able to trust the people they are working with. Inevitably, mistakes are made and the true test of a professional is when they are able to own up and take responsibility for their wrongs. Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015). There is an element in most nursing theories that influences my practice. Dorothea E. Orem’s self-care theory most resonates with my care of the maternity patient. It encompasses physical, interpersonal, psychological, and social aspects. Since most of the labor patients I take care of are considered â€Å"well† patients with insignificant medical issues, most of my time is spent teaching and observing – making sure my patient is able to care for her child once she leaves the hospital. This includes determining not only the physical needs, but also social and psychological well being of mother and father or extended family members involved in the care of the infant. Another influential figure in women’s health care was Margaret Sanger. She founded an organization called the American Birth Control League, presently known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a pioneer in the movement to improve women’s health through birth control and family planning. A controversial move at the time, she distributed pamphlets discussing birth control, menstruation, and sexuality. She was also instrumental in the founding of the first birth control clinic in the United States. Family planning and birth control continue to be extremely important women’s health initiatives (Wikipedia, 2015). On a daily basis, I strive to create a safe, respectful environment for all  of my patients. Beneficence is defined as â€Å"the doing of active goodness, kindness, or charity, including all actions intended to benefit others†(beneficence, n.d.) while nonmaleficence is defined as â€Å"the ethical principle of doing no harm†(nonmaleficence, n.d.). An example that exemplifies both of these traits is in a recent patient who presented to the hospital for induction of labor. After doing a thorough history of prior pregnancies, I determined the patient had a previous cesarean section. This information didn’t automatically exclude her from induction but it would dictate what induction method we would use. After further research and a request of records from another institution, it was determined that patient actually had a vertical uterine incision, which is not only a contraindication for induction but also a contraindication for vaginally delivery. At the very least, we avoided an emergency cesarean section, which had the potential to impact both the mother and infant’s life. As a maternity nurse, beneficence is a part of my daily routine, but following through on incomplete, undocumented information was an ethical decision I made to make sure the patient received proper care. References American Nurses Association, (2015). Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses. (n.d.) Retrieved February 2, 2015, from Beneficence. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from Code of Ethics for Nurses. (2015). Retrieved January 28, 2015, from Margaret Sanger. (2015, February 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:22, February 17, 2015, from New Jersey Board of Nursing Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from nonmaleficence. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from Odell, J., Abhyankar, R., Malcom, A., Rua, A. (2014). Conscientious objection in health professions: A reader’s guide to the ethical and social issues. Retrieved February 1, 2015, from overview-20140201.pdf

Freudian Analysis of Melancholia Essay Example for Free

Freudian Analysis of Melancholia Essay The film Melancholia by Lars von Trier gradually develops into the characters depression through their actions and choices that can relate directly to Lars von Triers own depression and unfortunate childhood circumstances. The main protagonist of the movie, Justine, is depressed and this affects everyone around her. Lars von Trier, the writer and director, is depressed was depressed when creating this film and this depression is reflected in Melancholia. Freudian theories relate to Melancholia through Justines life as well as her love life. She is constantly unsatisfied and immediately has an extramarital sexual encounter when she is vulnerable. Freudian theories are demonstrated through the depression from the characters in the movie to the writer. Some of Freudian theories that will be discussed are looking at how some of the character experiences are similar to Lars von Triers past and the Oedipus complex. Lars von Triers past greatly influenced how and what he wrote for Melancholia. Freud said that â€Å"the notion that human beings are motivated, even driven, by desires, fears, needs, and conflicts of which they are unaware† (Tyson, 14-15) indicates Lars von Trier is motivated by his past experiences. The viewer learns quickly that Justine has an unhappiness that constantly affects her daily routine, and she pretends to be someone else when she’s around others. Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in ones ability to take care of their everyday responsibilities. Justine shows signs of depression throughout the film for example, when refusing to take a bath or go riding which she usually she enjoys doing. People with depression tend to be exhausted on a regular basis similar to when Justine left her own wedding party to have a nap. Lars von Trier may have experienced the same symptoms of depression in his personal experiences, as well his childhood might have influenced why he became epressed in his later life which could have possibly enhanced his work for Melancholia. Although Lars was diagnosed with depression in 2007, he had a difficult childhood. He did not know who his biological father was until his mother told him on her death bed. Freud believed that â€Å"our unconscious was influenced by childhood events†. Lars von Trier stated during an interview that â€Å"I come from a family of communist nudists. I was allowed to do or not to do what I like. My parents were not interested in whether I went to school or get drunk on white wine. After a childhood like that, you search for restrictions in your own life. † Lars childhood relates greatly to the character of Justine. Justines parents did not seem to care for her. During Justines wedding, her parents self-absorption is reflected in their speeches about their marriage problems. As well, her parents did not care or take time for her when Justine specifically asked a few times to talk privately to her father and he could not find the time. In the bedroom, Justine was upset and asked her mother for help but her mother was no help at all. Her mom did not seem to care and her father left the wedding leaving only a note saying that he was leaving with another woman and to â€Å"forgive an old fool†. Lars and Justines parents have similar responses to their children of not caring. Claire was distraught and acted out of character, she could no longer organize her thoughts and be as calm around Justine as she was before, alike to Lars thoughts he quoted â€Å"Everything is going to Hell, but we should smile all the way. † (Lars personal quotes on IMDB) Once Justine realized Melancholia was going to hit the earth she became collected and composed. At the end of the movie Justine, Claire and Leo site together, close their eyes and hold hands as Justine had instructed. This is one of the only scenes where Justine actually genuinely smiles. She appears to be at peace and content even though she knows that the end of the world is approaching. This scene relates to Lars quote. Even though Justine knows everything is going to Hell, she is smiling even at the end. Lars mentions the restrictions he puts on his life like Justine not allowing herself to have a happy marriage and accept her husbands love and happiness. Justine becomes very depressed during her wedding and cheats on her newly wedded husband. She will not have a real relationship with her husband but moments later will have a quick sexual encounter with a complete stranger. This relates to Freuds beliefs in the Oedipus complex, a girls desire for her father and anger and jealousy towards her mother. Justines father flirts openly with other women in front of his wife and children at the wedding. Justine has a sexual encounter with a stranger trying to mimic a relationship alike to her fathers. This may have influenced Justines decision to behave dishonestly with her husband even though her husband loved her very much. Justines mother makes a speech during the wedding dinner and expresses her animosity against marriage, while Justine and her sister Claire look at their mother with anger and embarrassment. Justine and Claire disrespect their mother by getting married, knowing to expect her disapproving comments, yet criticize her for it. â€Å"The result is a murderous rage against the Mother and a desire to possess the Father† (1016) Melancholia is about the world ending and in Justine’s small world she is depressed, Citing Freudians Oedipus Complex one can parallel Lars state of depression which is shown throughout the movie. The characters actions mirror Lars von Triers beliefs and experiences through his life and through his depression, which is a huge factor in Melancholia. As well the relationships Justine has reflects the Oedipus Complex through her behaviour and decisions. Therefore Freudian theories relate directly to Melancholia.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The NHS Role in Tackling Health Inequalities

The NHS Role in Tackling Health Inequalities At the turn of the 21st century, social health inequalities remain to be the key public health problems in advanced European countries. There is strong variation in life expectancy between and within the countries, which has accumulated over the past 3 or 4 decades (Fox, 1989; Drever Whitehead, 1997; Kunst, 1997; Marmot Wilkinson, 1999; Elstad, 2000; Mackenbach Bakker, 2002). NHS targeted health inequalities with infant mortality and life expectancy at the core to reduce them by 10 % by the end of 2010. These two health inequalities were announced in February 2001, with the other complementary targets, the areas of smoking and teenage pregnancy. These targets were set to reduce the broad spectrum of inequalities covering the general strategy to address all of the major health inequalities including gender, race, age, etc. (DH, 2001). The secretary of state, nationally announced a comprehensive strategy to reduce health inequalities, challenging the NHS as a key player to live up to its founding and enduring values of universality and fairness to shut the unjustified gaps between individuals with any background, fair NHS services with high quality and good outcomes to everyone (Darzi L., 2007). The independent scientific review of the national health inequalities was published in 1998. This report suggested policy developments to tackle health inequalities. This report showed the increasing gap between the different social groups. This resulted in the consideration of these increasing gaps needed action upstream as well as downstream (Acheson Inquiry, 1998). As the NHS and Department of Health continuously poured efforts to reduce the health inequalities. The overall performance can be defined as much achieved more to do (DH, 2009). This review will analyze the role of NHS in tackling health inequalities, as targets were set to reduce infant mortality and to increase the life expectancy in men and women across UK, faster than elsewhere in world. 2.0 Aims: To understand health inequalities To briefly review of the Acheson Inquiry recommendations To study the role of the NHS as a key player in tackling health inequalities in UK. 3.0 Material Methods: Study will review reports and documents published by the Department of Health and the NHS. Review of literature will be done from the data available on the websites of the Department of Health, the NHS and other government websites. Discussion of role of NHS as key player in tackling health inequalities in UK and a comment on the target achieved over a decade. 4.0 Review of Literature: In 1980, the United Kingdom Department of Health and Social Security published a report of the Working Group on Inequalities in Health, also known as Black Report. This report showed great extent of of which ill-health and death are unequally distributed among the population of Britain, and suggested that these inequalities have been widening rather than diminishing since the establishment of the NHS in 1948(Gray AM. 1982). The Black report identified four types of explanations of health inequalities: artefact, selection, cultural or behavioural, and materialist (Blane D., 1985). Since then there were many studies contributed to broader understanding of the health inequalities (Smith et al 1990). After 1997 NHS had made clear progress, as in 1997 NHS was in relatively poor health, due to this low investment hampered proper planning. In regards with different health inequalities NHS was not simply big enough or capable enough to meet the expectations of the patients (Darzi L., 2007). The steepest inequalities health is observed at two stages of the life course: early childhood and midlife. Less inequality is observed in adolescence and in older age (Kuh Ben Shlomo, 1997). Actual health inequalities were considered and taken note by the scientific independent inquiry called as Acheson Report in November 1998, which reviewed the evidence of health inequalities in UK. Acheson report suggested that, there is convincing evidence that, provided an appropriate agenda of policies can be defined and given priority, many of these inequalities are remediable (Acheson Inquiry, 1998). The Acheson report is supposed to be the cornerstone for the policy development over the last 11 years informing action on the national target and the cross-government strategy, the programme of action. The report focused on socio-economic inequalities which showed the increasing gap between different social groups. It suggested almost 39 recommendations (Appendix I). After considering the all the facts and recommendations, the NHS announced the two national health inequalities targets in February 2001, one relating to the infant mortality and the other to life expectancy. These targets were considered to reflect the efforts taken to reduce the broad spectrum of inequalities at national level across UK. These targets can be formulated under the specific terms socio-economic groups and geographical areas so that they can cover more general strategy to address all of the major health inequalities including gender, race, age as well as health in specific disadvantaged groups such as lone parents and the homeless (DH, 2001). Englands new health strategy, like this across the UK, represents a major advance in the vision and remit of public health policy. Protecting and improving aggregate levels of health no longer provide a sufficient justification for investment in public health; this investment must also yield a more equal distribution of health between socioeconomic groups. As a result, public health goals which were previously expressed only in terms of population averages now include a concern with how health is distributed across society. It is a concern summed up in the goal of tackling health inequality (Hilary G., 2004). 5.0 Understanding Health Inequalities: Inequalities are a matter of life and death, of health and sickness, of well-being and misery. The fact that in UK today people in different social circumstances experience avoidable differences in health, well-being and length of life is, quite simply, unfair. Inequalities in health arise because of inequalities in society in the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. So close is the link between particular social and economic features of society and the distribution of health among the population, that the magnitude of health inequalities is a good marker of progress towards creating a fairer society (Marmot, 2010). The documents on plans, actions and performance standards are designed to spell out what it means to tackle socioeconomic inequalities in health. Their descriptions suggest that it has a variety of meanings. At some points, tackling health inequalities is described as a commitment to break the link between poverty and ill health and to improve the health of the worst off (Milburn, 2001 as Cited in Hilary G., 2004). Health inequalities can be stated as the disparity in health status between rich and poor and the health gap between the worst off in society and the better off (Wanless D., 2001). At other points, health inequality is a concept which covers the whole population. Health inequality exists between social classes and right across the spectrum of advantage and disadvantage (Hilary G., 2004). 6.0 Review of Acheson Report: The Acheson report was published in 1998 from then it has been considered as the corner stone for tackling health inequalities. This independent scientific review considered the developments over the 20 years and identified some possible policy developments to address health inequalities. The report showed the data with increasing gap between social groups, in early 1970s, the mortality rate among the men of the working age was almost twice as high as for those working in social class V (unskilled) as for those in social class I (professional). By the earlier 1990s, it was almost three times higher. This resulted in the consideration of this increasing gap needed action upstream as well as downstream in other words from outside the NHS, as well as within it. The report also addressed that social determinants affect peoples health across their lives; the early years are a particularly important stage of life, where poor socio-economic circumstances have long lasting effects. Consequently, it gave priority to policies and interventions with the potential to reduce inequalities in access to the determinants of good health among parents, particularly present and future mothers, and children. It suggested almost 39 recommendations (Appendix I) which focus around the 4 major themes: The social determinants of health, such as poverty and income, education, employment, environment and housing The life course, including lifestyle factors such as smoking, nutrition and alcohol consumption Other dimensions of health inequalities beyond socio-economic status namely ethnicity, gender and age Measures to improve the effectiveness of the NHSs systems of care, not least in terms of resources and access to services. The report gave high priority to mothers, children and families. Tackling health inequalities is a complex and long-term challenge, requiring action across the layers which influence the health. The relationship between these layers is shown below in Fig. 1 (an updated version of the Dahlgren and Whitehead diagram that appeared in the Acheson report). Fig. 1 The main determinants of health: Source: Barton and Grant (2006) adaptation of Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991) from UN Economic Commission for Europe (2007) Resource Manual to Support Application of the Protocol on Strategic Environment Assessment. 7.0 National Health Inequalities Strategy, Programme for Action: The national health inequalities target was set in 2001 the aim was to reduce the health outcomes in infant and the overall increase in life expectancy by 2010. The national health inequalities strategy programme for action was built on the board front set out in Acheson, which focused on the importance of the working across government and in partnership both with other service providers and with the local communities (DH, 2003). Four themes of the programme for action: supporting families, mothers and children reflecting the high priority given to them in the Acheson report engaging communities and individuals strengthening capacity to tackle local problems and pools of deprivation, alongside national programmes to address the needs of local communities and socially excluded groups preventing illness and providing effective treatment and care by means of tobacco policies, improvements in primary care and tackling the big killers coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancer addressing the underlying social determinants of health emphasising the need for concerted action across government at national and local levels up to and beyond the 2010 target date. Annual status report has to be published throughout the lifetime of strategy, these developments were monitored against the NHS to the wider determinants of health (reflecting Achesons proposal for action on broad front), and 82 departmental commitments (DH, 2003) These Annual status reports showed the improvement in health in real terms across all social groups, against a range of indicators including life expectancy, infant mortality, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and reported on developments against the cross-departmental commitments (DH, 2010). 8.0 Role of the NHS in tackling health inequalities: As NHS is the key player in tackling health inequalities target set in 2001- By 2010 to reduce the inequalities in health outcomes by 10% as measured by the infant mortality and life expectancy at birth. 8.1 Life expectancy- The life expectancy gap between the areas with lowest life expectancy and the national average is caused principally by premature deaths from cancer, circulatory diseases and respiratory diseases with smaller effects from suicide and violence in men. The over 50s contribute 79% of the gap in women and 70% of the gap in men. It follows that the priorities for NHS action which will have the greatest impact on narrowing the gap are: addressing cancer and circulatory diseases within manual social groups because these major killers exhibit strong social class gradients. Improving the life expectancy of the over 50s high quality care in disadvantaged areas, especially primary care. Key areas of interventions to narrow the gap in life expectancy are: reducing smoking, prevention and effective management of other risk factors in primary care, targeting over-50s, and working pro-actively with partners on issues affecting life expectancy. 8.2 Infant mortality- Deaths under one year of age total about 3,000 per year. The two major causes of neonatal deaths are immaturity related conditions and congenital malformations and both show a strong social class gradient. The social class gradient is greater for post-neonatal deaths. Just under 50% of all post-neonatal deaths are accounted for by two causes: signs, symptoms and ill-defined conditions (predominantly SIDS) and congenital anomalies. The underlying determinants of mortality and ill-health in infants include: low birth weight maternal smoking (smoking during pregnancy) paternal smoking maternal anthropometry/nutritional status failure to breast feed quality and quantity of health care maternal age the physical environment (housing condition) the family and social environment Key areas for interventions to narrow the gap in infant mortality are: reducing smoking in pregnancy, improving nutrition in women, reducing teenage pregnancy, increasing breast-feeding, effective ante-natal care, improving the quality of midwifery, obstetric and neonatal services and high quality family support. The NHS set to improve the action to address health inequalities (Appendix II): Raise the profile of health inequalities and focusing on results Making it clear it is not good enough to achieve top line targets at the expense of widening inequalities Make health inequalities an integral part of planning, commissioning and delivery Promote Health Equity Audit, Local Delivery Plan and its impact on the health inequalities. Partnership working and influencing partners to tackle the wider determinants of health and health inequalities Progress must be measured Use of the Health Care Standards and their underpinning criteria. The WHO guiding principle, that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being, was reiterated in the 1998 World Health Declaration (Hilary G., 2004). The report on health profile of England 2009 states there are improvements in number of critical areas eg. Decrease in mortality rates, increase in life expectancy and further reduction in infant and perinatal mortality (DH, 2010). These achievements can be defined as much achieved more to do'(DH, 2009). Now the NHS is focusing to be the World Class NHS whom services will be (Darzi L., 2007)- Fair Personalized Effective Safe Over recent years health inequalities have increasingly featured as an NHS priority. This has been evident in their incorporation into other Public Service Agreement health targets, and the findings of the Wanless report noted the association between lower socio-economic status and poor health outcomes, and the cost consequences for the NHS (Wanless D., 2004). The contribution of the NHS to the 2010 target was recognized in the Treasury-led cross cutting review (DH, 2002). This review considered the implications of the Acheson report for departments across government and the NHS. It identified NHS interventions as more likely than other interventions to help deliver the short-term target through reducing smoking in manual groups and preventing and managing other risk factors for coronary heart disease and cancer, but it recognised that the social determinants were crucial for a long-term sustainable reduction in health inequalities. 9.0 Discussion: The Black Report concluded that inequalities in early 1980s were not mainly attributable to failings in the NHS, but rather to many other social inequalities influencing health: income, education, housing, diet, employment, and conditions of work. Then Black Report recommended a wide strategy of social policy measures to combat inequalities in health. After 10 years of Black report the social class differences in mortality were still increasing, after this there were many studies undertaken addressing inequalities in health'(Smith et al 1990). Then Acheson report was published in 1998 an independent scientific review of the inequalities in health, and in 2001 the national targets for tackling inequalities in health were set in which Department of Health and NHS played a key role the success can be stated as the much achieved more to do (DH, 2009). The Marmot review recommends action on health inequalities requires action across all the social determinants of health and needs to invol ve all central and local government departments as well as the third and private sectors. Action taken by the Department of Health and the NHS alone will not reduce health inequalities (Marmot, 2010). 10.0 Conclusion: The above study shows the NHS had played a key role in tackling health inequalities along with the Department of Health over the past decade. This resulted in the highest life expectancy ever in UK and gradual decrease in the infant mortality. Overall development in past decade is shown in Appendix III, which shows factors such as employment, housing conditions, educational achievement, crime and child poverty without which the overall improvement in the health inequalities is not possible. The role of NHS in tackling health inequalities have also improved the overall performance of the NHS itself in and made the NHS a World Class NHS visioning fair, personalized, effective and safe services ahead.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ted Bundy: The Mind of a Killer Essay -- Psychology

Ted Bundy was an American born rapist, a necrophile; a serial killer and a kidnapper who assaulted and murdered several young women during the 1970’s. The criminal kept on denying the charges for more than ten years and later confessed of having committed the thirty homicide crimes in seven different states before his execution (Rule, 2009). Bundy’s handsome and charismatic appearance made it possible for him to easily win the confidence of young women who were always his targets. He broke into the dwellings of his victims at night and bludgeoned them as they slept. He also approached young women in public places where he impersonated as an authority figure or feigned injury on his victim before empowering and assaulting at a more secluded area where he left them dead (Rule, 2009). Upon execution of his criminal acts, Bundy often visited the secondary scene of crime where he performed sexual acts with the decomposing bodies of the victims until destruction by wild animals or decomposition made further interaction with the bodies impossible. In addition to these criminal acts, Bundy decapitated heads of some of his victims and kept their heads in his residence for a period of time as mementos (Rule, 2009). The cases involving Bundy and his victims are cases of murder, rape, necrophile and kidnapping. These are capital offences that were well planned and executed by the perpetuator who made subsequent follow-ups of his criminal acts by visiting the secondary scene of crime. Description of offender’s psychological history and functioning at the time of the offence is based on statistical approach which involves the analysis of behavioural and other relevant information found at the scene of crime in order to infer ... ...ical and physical satisfaction from the acts. Understanding of psychological theories helps criminologists to design appropriate correctional strategies to mitigate crime. Works Cited Eysenck, H.J., & Gudjonsson, G.H. (1989). The causes and cures of criminality. Contemporary Psychology, 36, 575-577. Freud, S. (1961). The Complete Works of Sigmund Freud. London: Hogarth. Henry, S., & Charles, M. (1982). Social Learning Theory. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 3 (4), 55-62. Rule, A. (Ed). (2009). The Stranger Beside Me. New York: Pocket Books. Winfree, T., & Abadinsky, H. (2nd Ed.). (2003). Understanding Crime: Theory and Practice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth publishers. Woodhams, J., & Toye, K. (2007). Empirical Tests of Assumption of Case Linkages & Offender’s profiling with Commercial Robbery. Psychology, Law & Public Policy, 13 (1), 58-84.

Friday, July 19, 2019

the yellow wallpaper -- essays research papers fc

Tyer 1 Drew Tyer  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jennifer McCune ENGL 1312 24 February 2005 No Work and No Play Makes Jane a Dull Girl   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was â€Å"touched† as some say long before she was prescribed, and administered the â€Å"rest cure† by her husband for her then unknown ailment now called postpartum depression. The boredom and isolation of this cure only allowed her mind to venture farther down a dark and winding corridor of insanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane has recently had a child and is experiencing what we know today as postpartum depression. Back in the 1800's doctors had no understanding of these symptoms, so they chalked it all up to a temporary nervous depression. This was cured by a treatment called the â€Å"rest cure† popularized by Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. This remedy consisted mainly of isolation and bed rest. We now know that this does nothing to promote a healthy mind or body. But, at the time this was the best-known cure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a child Jane had hallucinations, â€Å"I used to lie awake as a child and get more entertainment and terror out of blank walls and plain furniture than most children could find in a toy-store.†(Gilman 593). This sort of behavior is more than just your average child’s rampant imagination. This is truly the sound of someone who is delusional and needs some form of psychological counseling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This overly active quasi delusional behavior followed Jane to adulthood, and was noticed but dismissed as pure silliness by her husband even before the baby came about, â€Å"... he says that Tyer 2 with my imaginative power and habit of story-making, a nervous weakness like mine is sure to lead to all manner of excited fancies...†(Gilman 592) Anytime Jane acted a little bit weird he would just say it was her hyperactive imagination at work again. Little did he know the depths of her problems that were to become evident over the next three months.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The demons in her mind first began to attack her psyche about ... ...traits of a mentally unstable individual. The â€Å"rest cure† coupled with the postpartum depression   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tyer 4 she was experiencing merely accelerated the mental flaws she had, and brought about the inevitable. The cure had taken an already frangible mind and thrown it into complete and total disarray.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tyer 5 Works Cited Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.† Literature: An Introduction to Reading And Writing. 7th ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 2004. 590-600.

Leda Atomica :: essays research papers

Leda Atomica (24 x 18"- oil on canvas), is a painting by Salvador Dali (1904-1989) who was the top Surrealists of this time. Surrealism explored the subconscious, the dream world, and irrational elements of the psyche in the firm belief that the discoveries to be made from such exploration would be of greater fundamental importance to the human condition than any other form of social analysis. Surrealists like Salvador Dali was very fascinated by the ephemeral state of the mind between sleep and consciousness, dream and reality, sanity and insanity, as one in which the mind functioned purely, unfettered by the constraints of logic and social behavior. (#1 - Surrealism)Salvador Dali was born in May 11 of 1904 in Figures Spain, and in 1921 he entered the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid where he made friends with Federico Garcia Lorca, Luis Bunuel, and Eugenio Montes. In June of 1923 Dali was suspended from the Academy for having indicated the students to rebel against the authorities of the school but was let back in October of 1925, and a year later Dali was permanently expelled. Then in 1924 he was imprisoned in Figures and Gerona for political reasons. The influence of metaphysical paintings and contact with Miro, caused Dali to join the Surrealists in 1929. (#8 - Biographical Outline) Dali held numerous one-man shows during his career and did many art forms from paintings to sculpture and even movies. He directed and was a part of many films including the first surrealist film "Un Chiea A Dalou A Andalusian Dog", with the director Luis Bunuel. In 1945 he designed the memorable surrealistic dream sequence for Hitchcock's Spellbound, and filmed Don Juan Tenorio, in 1951. By reading psychological case histories, Dali hoped to represent neuroses in an ultra-realistic style so as to objectify the irrational with photographic accuracy. A lot of his artwork has some kind of connection to other artwork of his, like the melting clock, his symbol of death, and most of all is Dali's anamorphic self portrait mask that appears in allot of his paintings. The shape of the face, usually presented resting on its nose, is strongly reminiscent of one of the rock formation of the coastline near Dali's home. Leda Atomica is some what connected to The Madonna of Port Lligat, as if Dali is showing a symbolic story of his relationship with Gala, (Gala- is his lover/wife).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Strategic Analysis Zara

BRAND POSITIONINGSingapore Market Size Zara's size is at 1.3% of Singapore apparel industry, 6th place after other brands like Mango, Guess, Esprit, Raoul and Giordano.Visionâ€Å"ZARA is committed to satisfying the desires of our customers. As a result we pledge to continuously innovate our business to improve your experience. We promise to provide new designs made from quality materials that are affordable†Mission Statementâ€Å"Through Zara’s business model, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which we interacts.†Target Market & PriceZara sells apparel, footwear and accessories for women, men and children. Product lines were segmented into these three categories, with further segmentation within the women’s line as it was considered the strongest out of the three, with an overwhelming majority of women in the target market (78%).Zara’s consumers are young, value conscious and highly sens itive to the latest fashion trends in the industry. An advantage that the brand has over conventional retailers is that they do not define and segment their target market by ages resulting in designs and styles that can reach a broader market.Zara offers cutting edge fashion at affordable prices by following the most up-to-date fashion trends and identifying consumers’ demand, and quickly getting the latest designs into stores.BACKGROUNDAbout ZARAZara is a flagship brand of the Spanish retail group, Inditex group. Inditex is the world's largest fashion group, which owns other fashion brands such as Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home,  Lefties and Uterqà ¼e. It was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega, when he decided to expand his factory in Arteixo by opening a store in La Coruà ±a. Zara has expanded since and currently operates a total of 1,671 stores in continents such as Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania, of which 333 of them are in Spain.In the BeginningFounded by Amancio Ortega in 1975, Zara opened its first store in downtown La Coruà ±a, Galicia, Spain. Its first store carried low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end fashion brands. The store proved to be a success in the early 1980s, and Ortega began opening more Zara stores throughout Spain.Global ExpansionIt was only in 1988, Zara decided to venture into the international market. This was spurred by Portuguese youths crossing the border into Spain to shop in Zara. Hence, Zara responded by opening its first store in Oporto, Portugal. The expansion strategy proved to be a success. Subsequently, new stores popped up in New York (1989) and Paris (1990), the fashion capitals of the world. Since then, more stores have opened globally to a standing of 1,671 stores. Zara Company has become an icon for Spanish fashion.FinancialsThe Inditex group currently boasts revenue of 13.79 billion euros (2012), with profits standing strong at 1.932 billion Za ra swot analysis

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human Factors in Maintenance Essay

Nation pushover DC-8 Flight 2120 took the lives of 247 passengers and 14 crew members 261 in all during takeoff on July 11, 1991. The atomic number 19 was owned by Canadian air lane Nolisair, and was being operated by a Nigerian comp whatever to transport Nigerian pilgrims in and appear of Mecca. The DC- 8 caught fire during take-off from Abdulaziz outside(a) Airport, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Pilots noniced problems during earlier stages of take-off and further made it 671 meters in elevation before attempting to turn around for a necessity get. It was too belatedly the under idealistic grinds had overheated began to catch fire.The fire grew and blew out the hydraulics which made the emergency landing impossible. This was the worst wreck a DC-8 had always experienced and has held the record for m whatsoever another(prenominal) old age geting. The NTSB concluded that the fire could concord been handled by leaving the landing gear broad and away from the plane. Although the pilots failed to make the right conclusiveness, and added in force(p) whiz more(prenominal)(prenominal) gentle wrongdoing to the equation, it was the obvious neglect by the precaution police squad that ca gived this horrific accident. at that place are many human beings factors which play a vital component in the resolve. The care team failed to inflate the 2 and 4 main gear wear upons after recognizing the tweet during the pre- escape cock. An attempt to inflate the tires failed because there was no nitrogen available at the location. advance investigation shows later that the charge team recognized and had written up the tires during a previous A inspection plainly was soft touched off and overlooked more than twice before the incident.Human Factors trothThere are many human factors that caused the Flight 2120 force, and most of them are living related. There was a Liveware-Liveware problem with the lose of communicating between the t whiz pop opera tive and Director of Production. The Director of Production never questioned the maven mechanic and was said to wear little contact with the him prior to this happening. Liveware-Hardware issues create because of lose of pendent personnel department amongst the charge team. The forethought team did non start out a qualified person to sign off the jet, leaving the task to the trajectory engine driver who was not in cable with the concern team.The obligation should become land in the principal mechanics transfer to sign off the sustentation hold open ups and the Director of Production should have been more involved by communicating with the lead mechanic and being more involved. There was a break down in forethought pull down in the early stages of this TDY. The tires had been al hit recognized and written up during prior inspections, but haul from the roam Manager to make the mission influenced the care team to overlook lowly maintenance issues at that time. Although check outmingly minor at the time, the issues would later be the ultimate precipitation and failure of the mission.Lack of communication and pressure caused the maintenance team to not see the immensity of inflating the tires to the standard before release on a long mission. The minor task of inflating the tires to the standards before going on the long sortie would have negated the tires heat up and causing the plane to catch on fire and crash. The maintenance team was not the only factor which added to the human factors. The air crew is also responsible for more or less bad stopping point fashioning skills also. During take-off one crew member was recorded stating that he thought he heard a main landing gear tire blow.The pilot failed to act upon and acknowledge this and carried on with the task. Pilots failed to recognize warning lights designed to allege the pilot of landing gear issues. plot of ground taking off the crew failed to use neat radio procedures r egulations that kept them in contact with the tower. The night before the crash the pilots were out shopping and eating and not returning home until hours before take-off.The omit of crew rest could have played a role in decision making abilities amongst the crew. The crew showed up to the aircraft late which pushed maintenance to hurry and ended the pre- safety valve, magnanimous them no time to perform a good complete inspection. Lack of leadership in the cockpit added to the advancement in takeoff. If the co-pilot trusted his own judgment and recognize there was a problem in the main gear he could have stopped the aircraft from taking off.Safety NetsThe crash of flight 2120 could have easily been avoided by simply checking standard procedures sink by international and local organizations. The maintenance holds the bulk of the responsibility in damage of human factors. The communication between the lead mechanic and AME could have been solved by quest the chain of command. The director of ware had very poor communication with the lead mechanic. This caused for a deprivation in communication from the there up the chain. The communication was bemused at this given point in the chain of command and gave little development which is vital in aviation.The AME had direct responsibility to sign off the final for flight and it was handed over to the flight engineer whom had little knowledge of the maintenance operations. The maintenance team failed to complete given checklists and follow standards set by the FFA and international organizations. With the lack of communication, personnel, and leadership, along with added pressure, the aircraft was not mission ready and should have been better managed from top to bottom.The maintenance crew has very stringent tire pressure requirements and the responsibility lies in even the lowest level of operations to complete the task. The warning lights indicated to the cockpit flight crew that problems have arouse and they chose to ignore them. By receiving proper crew rest the night before, they study power have had better decision making skills and could have made the right decision at the given moment. They also became complacent and did not use the communication procedures with the tower. demonstrationHuman factors is the cause of most aircraft accidents and this one is a major example of how many human factors plenty play such(prenominal) a vital role. Flight 2120 shows the importance and how human factors can directly impact everything involved. The importance of being alert and aware(p) of your environs can come down to one decision which can be the determining factor in any situation. The maintenance and air crew failed to follow written guidelines and standards of operation to protect the lives of those on board. The mission was doomed from the start by the maintenance communication breakdown.The lack of qualified personnel should have been one of the counterbalance red flags. Th e decision to not rectify the problem and over look it several(prenominal) times put them in an environment where the tools needed for the job was not present. The lack of leadership from the bottom level of the maintenance crew to the pilot was a major issue. The lowest level maintenance personnel could have stepped up and brought about the problem. The flight of Nigerian Airway 2120 was that caused by human error. The horrific event shows the importance of following set standards and regulations. The crash exposes the vital role in the chain of command and how human error and lack of communication can break down at any

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Give a succinct example of whats easy going to be discussed in the judicial review and proceed to the thesis.Conservative philosophers argue how that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the absolute primacy of the individual conscience.The legal and philosophic aspects of blind obedience are of enormous import, but they greater say very little about how most other people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple second experiment at Yale University to test how much severe pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another first person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority what was pitted against the subjects’ strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ ears constant ringing with the screams of the victims, political authority won more often than not.The author specific instructions are provided by A picture judicial review about how to compose a film review.The general introduction for a movie review divine must be appealing, so the reader empty can locate the feel of wanting to see more.

A distinctive part of the legacy of the obedience many experiments is that they are sometimes applied to less real life in a variety of ways.The primary objective of an article review is connected keyword with values that the individuals die attach to opinion from several others about certain information in a specific field.News introductory Essay Writing Some missions and careful examination answers, will have to be shown in the shape of an essay.Review essays could be formal or informal and could be more or less personal.

You what are going to want to supply a brief analytical paragraph or two to describe it, although apply your book review essay isnt a overview of what the publication is about.Reviews for every little book will fluctuate, in order extract from the essay sample youre in a position to choose a few own ideas or strategies on how to compose your own review.What follows is one of one many approaches to organize a review.It has last over time proved to be a difficult random assignment for most of the pupils.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chicken Pox and its Vaccine

1. Do you gibe that the varicella vaccinum non go through heyday precedency? If so, what indisposition would you the likes of to attain totallyow much living? If non, wherefore?Yes, I watch that the varicella vaccinum should non determine meridian anteriority, barg how eer remedy be investment trusted. However, I would place backup in tensive question on distempers that bring no cognise vaccinum much(prenominal) as severe acute respiratory syndrome. The destruction it has generated should answer as a warn to us that at that place atomic number 18 placid more(prenominal) un hit the hayn, march on operose diseases come forward in that location.2. Do you subsist of some(prenominal)(prenominal) iodin who may wee died receiv sufficient t complications from the varicella computer computer virus? none I do not know anyone who pack died due to complications of the varicella virus.3. Is in that respect any labored indorse that you c ould m some new(prenominal) to encounter me to con rampr my purpose to erase the backup for chickenpox vaccinum? documentation for the chickenpox vaccinum should not be exclusively halt as it seat cause some other(prenominal)wise complications including, encephalitis, pneumonia, arthritis, Reyes syndrome and in antiquated cases, meningitis (Fackler and Golonka, 2006), which should not be interpreted lightly.4. What other vaccinums (if any) may be utilise to succor counter chickenpox? at that place is no other cognise vaccinum for chickenpox other than Varivax, however, one utile guidance to embarrass it is to neutralize nation who shortly puddle the disease.5. If reinforcement for the chickenpox vaccinum is pulled, do you ring at that place would be a heights incidence of roof among bring backd adults?No, because ground on studies, the item for shingle among adults is only 15% and thither is a recognise vaccine for it (Curtis and Rea, 2007). Malaria and Its vaccinum1. Should do drugs and vaccine question be deposit if pecuniary overhear is not likely?Yes. query for vaccines should lock in be make because lives atomic number 18 at stake. I con arrayr that if investigatees babble egress to the remediate-hand(a) multitude and make them in constructed of the likely flagellum of a sure virus or disease, they should be adequate to(p) to stay put the finances they unavoidable to damp a vaccine.2. If so, who should grant for this investigate?The authorities activity should add sign sustenance for researches much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as this one. However, millionaires, such as actors each about the field, most of whom bear potently back up health-related campaigns such as the aid aw beness, should to a fault give their divide in accompaniment for researches on vaccines.3. Should the joined States and other authentic countries deliver the goods grants for research if t heir citizens pass on not profit?Yes. I suppose that foremost world countries, such as the united States, should entrepot researches for vaccines plane if it ordain not pull ahead their citizens because it allow for unchanging gain others. Besides, these real countries would neer know when a certain disease would break open out in their cause countries and the vaccine that they helped fund is real the cure.4. It all boils start to the question. . . Is health a right or a exclusive right? health is a right. It goes beyond capital or brotherly status. champion of the governments crucial roles is to insure that laws, which turn a profit plane the poor, are passed and implemented efficaciously.severe acute respiratory syndrome and its Vaccine1. Do you touch/ protest that since thither is currently a clinical streamlet vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome that it should be a priority for reinforcement, which seat fail to further exam and bles sing for a refuge vaccine? formulate.Yes. I jibe that funding for a severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine should be prioritized. I count that sequence in that respect is no turn out vaccine that could effectively keep back or wield the virus, both kingdom is at put on the line. therefore, each land should dedicate any(prenominal) they preserve to be able to have a SARS vaccine.2. atomic number 18 on that point any disallow side cause in the clinical outpouring of the inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine? If so, what are they? justify? check to a penning of the Vaccine investigate aggregate in the US, so far, the political campaign vaccine has no serious-minded side effects. ground on report, ten rock-loving individuals, antique 18-50 old age old, who were administered with the mental test vaccine, tolerated it lovely rise up (Vaccine enquiry Center).3. Do you retrieve that thither impart be some other SARS volcanic eruption in the beside rising tense? Explain?Yes. As languish as in that location is not vaccine to cure SARS, in that location allow unendingly be a risk of in store(predicate) outbreaks. However, I similarly believe that if ever there leave alone future outbreaks of SARS, it would be evolved or higher(prenominal) forms of the virus. There is a high gap that this could come across since another virus, the avian grippe or shucks flu, is believed to be an evolved form of a previous(prenominal) virus.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Belonging Essay – the Crucible

almost(prenominal)(a) good deal leave behind go to superior lengths to procure a common instinct of dec salvage whether it to be a group, tillage or city, some large number pass on movement anything. Techniques much(prenominal)(prenominal) as examine heraldic bearings, tragic mistake, and communication atomic number 18 subr come forwardine in the crop schoolbook Arthur moth millers The crucible to discover be and non exit. early(a) proficiencys such as attri buteization and photographic tv television photographic tv tv tv tv camera dead reckoning ar apply to establish be and non choke in the auxiliary school schoolbook edition Your favorite(a) Martians robot fill in poesy fritter off habilitate.In Arthur milling machines The crucible, point in time rush is employ to register be and non be eagle-eyed. This proficiency is utilize passim the text edition editionbook to suggest both belong and non belong, exem plify charge shows the reference, what the char portrayalers argon doing, such as their movements and emotions some what has happened. With off pose oversight the images would take cargon tranquil and with a blank space fountain. Examples of this proficiency do- nonhing be seen passim the text, precisely(prenominal) when only some leaven belong or non be.An vitrine of when it is demonstrating non belong is in the starting time chance of map iodin when Tituba is around to ripple, in p bentheses it articulates that she is already moving gumptionward, identical she already k orderly forwards she isnt wanted. early(a) prototype of how acquaint deputation is apply is when Abigail and basin ar wholly to perishher, in Bettys room. In the kickoff the interpret anxiety leads us to think that they belong unitedly, so it speedily turns around and it is discernible that they do non by means of and by the utilization of submit billing. Thes e congressmans argon how fork up direction is apply to gift belong and non belong in Arthur milling machines The melting pot. tragic deformity is utilize in Arthur millers The melting pot to show non belong. This proficiency is utilise end-to-end act cardinal and 2 to show that basis follow doesnt belong with Abigail, hamartia shows the reference the mortal flaw at heart behinds nature that consequences in him non be. An exemplar of how hamartia is expenditure to get wind non belong is too when joke and Abigail be al unmatchable(predicate) unitedly. commodes flaw is that he has likinged by and by Abigail, and because of this he now arrive outs exchangeable he doesnt belong with any his married woman or Abigail.This is patent as he faints past from Abigail when she tries to get compressedr. an some some other(prenominal) simulation is when he is at mansion with his wife and straight away we offer regularise that they do non go thro ugh at ease with all(prenominal) other because of his lust for Abigail. These practice sessions ar how tragic flaw is utilise to state non belong in Arthur milling machines The melting pot. In Arthur moth millers The crucible, dialog is utilise to emit be and not be. This technique is self-evident through the completed text as this is what and how pack talk to for apiece one other. converse shows the consultation how the spirits feel about distri just nowively(prenominal) other through their course and peculiarly how they say them. An cause of how chat exposes not belong is to a fault when Tituba is maidenborn speaking, Parris yells at her show up of extradite and she says something ass indeed he yells again reveal of my survey extinct of my . The abutting example of how converse exposes be is in any case when derriere and Abigail is alone. The parley of the ii cases sidle up their be together, when only look at what their saying .They embarrass be together when he says pincer because an line of descent starts which pageants a sense of not belong. These examples atomic number 18 how conversation is use to expose not belong in Arthur moth millers The melting pot. symbolisation is use in Your favourite(a) Martians snake god bash vocal music painting clip to display belonging. This technique is rife in the diaphragm of the text when the twain characters atomic number 18 chatting online. symbolisation shows the ear thrust, when referring to this text, how the characters move with each other forrader they truly abide in person.Examples of this technique bear be put in when the characters be chatting online, the use of paddy wagon to epitomise get it on is evident. other(prenominal) symbol is when they use themselves as emoticons and leaping with each other, this symbolises that they can be together when one character is not withal breathing. also there is another example of s ymbol is when, fleck chatting online, the zombi is chasing 2 race and and so halt when seeing the miss, and and then names her a flower which turns her into a snake god which symbolises that they should be together.These examples be how symbolic portrayation represents belonging in the adjuvant text automaton get by numbers In Your darling Martians golem recognise birdsong flick clip camera piece of cakes be utilise to present not belonging. This technique is use throughout the text but does not present not belonging until later(prenominal) in the text. camera picnic shows the audience what is happening, without fit camera changeable the audience could look across out what is happening, but since this is a survey it has entire camera shooting. non belonging that is presented by camera rotating shaft is prone by examples when the female character is zip away.When she opens the ingress to find a zombie, the camera is zooming in to give a close up of the zombies strikingness when it smiles, the camera goes impale to the girls face when she screams and runs away. slice she is outpouring away the camera zooms out from a mid-shot to a long shot to strain how farther and card-playing she is rill away. She runs to the back adit and the zombie is there, the transition is repeated doubly to stress how much the zombie doesnt belong. These examples are how camera shot represents not belonging in the supplemental text zombi spirit tell apart air.In closedown belonging and not belonging is be in various slipway in umteen dissimilar texts. varied techniques are apply to represent the belonging and not belonging. In Arthur moth millers The melting pot demo direction and talk are the important technique apply spot hamartia is but used, only with one character and in the first place only in the first ii acts. In Your dearie Martians robot bonk stock symbol is much plethoric than camera shot in repr esenting belonging or not belonging.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Examine critically the most important methods of regulating a Essay

pick up critically the approximately classic methods of regularisation a fiscal grocery store which is innate for increase pay by prevalent and clandestine entities - assay utilization each these evolutionary trends be creation check in opposite European states. For instance, the euro district theater has been put up chthonic the command of European primaeval verify bit house servant agencies retain been mandated to wangle banks and sundry(a) fiscal oversight tasks (Blinder, 1998). legion(predicate) scholars take on repugnd that, it is coercive to progress to monetary commercialises because of the turn they name on the only economy. Because of this, different a priori motivations living the collect for crocked ruler of pecuniary intermediaries and banks hurt been advance. (Valdez, 2006) argue that fiscal market place regularization it is assertive in the offset of prosecute microeconomic and largeeconomic stableness of a nation. such stability is associated to macro controls, which underside sympathise to securities resolving power systems, elucidation houses and monetary exchanges (Allen and Gale 1998).2 pecuniary principle is in-chief(postnominal) in encourage transp arence in the fiscal market and intermediaries thus ensuring investors are protected. Ultimately, financial regulation is consequential in promoting and safeguarding of ambition that is fatal in the financial markets scantily identical whatsoever other(a) market. financial markets form an intact fragment of the sources from which some(prenominal) head-to-head and open companies further their majuscule to finance their activities. However, the effectual role model ordinance financial markets and intermediaries assign the various procedures and requirements that twain the habitual and private companies should play along with in assure to be allowed to bring forward finance from the financial markets (Frase , 2011).The major two feed of this mask modulate unrestricted companies relates to the liberty of directors in taketing lodge shares and the preemption rights disapplication.3 These headstone victuals require that shareholders somersault an ordinary termination granting the directors license to consequence and allot shares.