Saturday, February 29, 2020

5 Basic Principles Of Energy Security

5 Basic Principles Of Energy Security Energy security is put in first place among the priorities facing the European Union. Although the problems of ensuring energy security were standing in front of a united Europe from the beginning of the integration process in recent years they have acquired the greatest relevance and importance for the EU. This is due to the fact that today the EU depends 50% on external energy supplies to its market and on the policies pursued by supplier states. In addition, European countries are concerned about the well-known problems with the energy supply for them against the backdrop of turmoil between Russia, as the main EU energy supplier and Belarus and Ukraine, through whose territory the Russian hydrocarbons are delivered to the West. Russian-Ukrainian standoff on the issue of gas prices and transportation is the major concern of EU member states and compel them to talk about the need to diversify energy supplies. Concentrating 7% of world population, more than a quarter of world GDP an d 20% of world trade, the EU has only 2% of the world’s â€Å"black gold† and 4% natural gas. Limitation of its own resource base in Europe accounts for a significant dependence of the EU on external energy supplies. The European natural gas market is the third largest in the world. The volume of gas consumption in EU countries reached 513 billion m3 (21% of world consumption). Russia is the second largest EU oil supplier and provides 33% of the EU â€Å"black gold† needs. The Russian Gazprom is the leader in EU natural gas supplies with 46% of total. If we talk about security of energy supplies, the main task in this area is the energy sectors geographical and resource diversification i.e. the expansion of supply sources, supply routes and pipelines. The EU security in energy sector NABUKO I EU The European Union is seeking to protect self from energy dependence on Russia with diversification of natural gas supplies policy by agreements with non-conventional en ergy suppliers, the Caspian states (Caspian states have only 4-5% of world’s gas reserves). But due to the unreliability of Russian energy supplies through third countries (Belarus and Ukraine) as well as the possibility of using Russian resources as a political tool, transporting Caspian Sea hydrocarbons (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) to the West has acquired great importance to the EU. Improve supply reliability and energy security EU responsible implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor. The planned corridor is composed of three parts: the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline (the project provides for delivery of natural gas from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan), Baku – Tbilisi – Erzurum (from Azerbaijan through Georgia to Turkey) and Nabucco (from Turkish territory, via Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary Austria). Thus, the reliability of energy supply in Europe is due to the changing geography of supply, increasing the number of exporting countries, th e creation of new infrastructure facilities. In the face of increasing competition from non-traditional suppliers of hydrocarbons Russia is very important to maintain the competitiveness of their energy in the European market, to ensure effective and reliable conditions for their transit to Western Europe.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Is Sex Education Beneficial or Harmful to Teenagers Essay

Is Sex Education Beneficial or Harmful to Teenagers - Essay Example In addition to all this, there is an impulsive drive within the teenagers to engage in forbidden adequate notwithstanding the absence of wisdom and guidance. As a result more harm than good can be done. Opponents of sex education argue against sex education by claiming that this type of education opens kids to ideas that they had not thought about before. They start fantasizing about instead of letting it go by and let things take its own natural course. They start wondering about it, start thinking about its consequences and start treating it as an exception to the norms of the world. As a result, they can become more vulnerable to poor choices regarding sex, poorer than what they would have taken without being informed. A lot of parents also argue against sex education. They feel that sex education takes away the responsibility from the family. At the end of the day, it is the parent’s job to raise their children and the onus is on them how they want to educate their children about sex education. Educating their kids on sex education triggers a bond between them and their children which is lost if the kids assume that school will teach their kids. By education about sex, ma ny opponents feel that schools try to step into the shoes of the family. Sex education can be very healthy for teens. It offers them guidance and prevents teenage pregnancies.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Un-American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Un-American - Essay Example The altered political ideology following the communist expansionism of the ‘Cold War’ had domestic repercussions in American society. The stage was set by F.D. Roosevelt, who conceded control over post-war Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union, granting â€Å"moral legitimization to what Stalin had acquired by sheer force† (Nisbet, qtd. in Maltsev and Simpson, 15). The subsequent race for nuclear supremacy, and the policy of ‘Mutually Assured Destruction,’ â€Å"inspired widespread fear of impending nuclear war† in Americans, who built bomb shelters in their backyards (Foner, 891). This let the â€Å"sweeping tide of anti-communism† (Pike, Global Security organization web site) engulf America. Any criticism of American society was construed to be ‘Un-American.’ Senator McCarthy’s witch-hunts made ‘McCarthyism,’ with its connotation of ‘unsubstantiated accusations of disloyalty’, a dominant theme of the 1950’s. America of the 1950’s witnessed â€Å"the twentieth century’s greatest citizens’ movement – the black struggle for equality† (Foner, 899). The rigid racial boundaries of the previous decade persisted in post-war America. The new suburban landscape was racially segregated, and reinforced by methods, such as ‘block-busting’ (Foner, 863). Jim Crow laws flourished in the South. The American judiciary led the assault on racial discrimination. In 1944, the US Supreme Court ruled racial segregation unconstitutional in public schools. Rosa Parks’ defiance led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 and Martin Luther King burst upon the scene with his charismatic leadership. Despite strong resistance, America’s march towards a truly equal, ethnically integrated society began in earnest. Economically and culturally, the 1950’s gave a new definition to ‘the American way of life.’ Most significantly, â€Å"consumerism replaced economic freedom and democratic participation as central definitions