Thursday, May 16, 2019

Life in ancient Greece and medieval Europe

This study briefly compares and contrasts a few salient features of brio in antediluvian Greece andmedieval europium.FamiliaritiesThe life in quaint Greece and during the fondness eld in Europe has tremendous impact on ourlives today also. The order of the antediluvian Greek lifestyle is direct and that of the affection ageEurope is indirect. The ancient Greeks shake up intellectual to us system of governance want democracyand the master event of altogether masculine sports the exceeding games. On the other hand, thelife style of middle age, gave rise to the age of new thinking, the renaissance. It was during themiddle age that intellectuals started their quest for knowledge, which led to an upsurge orintellectual activities later. It was during the middle age that schools and Universities startedbeing established crosswise Europe. These gave rise to centers of learning during the renaissanceperiod, later.( Daily life in ancient Greece, life ).While studying the life s tyle of ancient Greeks and the people of middle age Europe, onemore familiarity that strikes the reader is that in both the cases, considerable stress was laid oneducation of children. In ancient Greece, children were educated at primary level at homemostly by the male slaves. The way education was imparted in the medieval period was slightlydifferent. Schools had already come into existence, and concept of language, math and sciencehad started developing slowly.( occasional life in ancient Greece, life ).Both the ages have given memorable gifts to mankind. The ancient Greeks have given us1) trial by jury, 2) the Greek mythology, 3) democracy, and 4) recreational activity likedramatics, while the middle age has opened the doors for establishment of schools for primarylevel and universities for the higher level education. The invention of Guttenbergs opinionpress, is the greatest gift from the middle age to mankind. The forts and structures built by therulers for protection of citi zens and worship of God, during these ages, are curious pieces ofarchitecture.( daily life in ancient Greece, history )ContrastsThe ancient Greek era is timed up to5th ascorbic acid B.C. while the medieval European age istimed from 4th century A.D. to the 14th century A.D. Life in ancient Greece marked thedevelopment of one of the civilizations on this world, while life during the middle age is alsoknown as a dark age, because of the downfall of activities in almost all spheres of life.( daily lifein ancient Greece, life )The biggest contrast between the two is that slavery existed in ancient Greece whereas it hadno traces in the middle age Europe. Male and female slaves lived miserable lives and weretreated like commodities by their owners. They did not even have a right to have their own name.Slavery was so prominent in ancient Greece that there were as many slaves as the number ofcitizens in ancient Greece.The Greek civilization spread over a small geographic area whereas the mi ddle age Europeencompasses the whole of the continent. Despite the fall of the Roman empire, the Catholicchurch was the sole centralized potentiality to impress upon the rulers of all countries. In contrast,the ruling system in ancient Greece was heavily decentralized. In ancient Greece, there existeda system of city-states. Each city was a state, governed independently. Athens, Sparta, Corinth,Argus and Megara were the main city- states. ( Daily life in ancient Greece, life )The similarities between the life in ancient Greece and in the medieval Europe are few,whereas the contrasts are too many, and too prominent also.Works-cited pageDaily life in ancient Greece, 2006, Retrieved on 4 May 2007 from http// Life & History, 2000, Retrieved on 4 May 2007, from http// http//

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